Full-time programs

MSc “Natural Resources Management for Food Security” to be launched

in September 2024!


Welcome to join our Faculty and obtain the MASTER DEGREE

in Ecology & Nature Management



DURATION: 2 years

WORKLOAD: 120 credits


TUITION FEE: 530.650,00 RUR per year


For details please visit https://openday.msu.ru/soil-en


basic information for foreign applicants

Soil Science Faculty of Chemistry offers the following programs of study:

Undergraduate program in Soil Science (BSc)

The Soil Science educational program is aimed to train highly qualified Bachelors with fundamental knowledge of natural sciences, able to solve theoretical and methodical tasks related to natural landscapes, soil and vegetation cover, land resources use and construction of artificial grounds (lawns, parks, reclaimed landscapes, etc.). Obtained knowledge and skills are solidified in laboratory trainings and the unique field practices, where a student studied soil cover in different ecosystems. The knowledge gained will enable both to continue successfully further education in MSc-course and to apply the obtained skills in industrial sector, in sectors related to the assessment and protection of land resources, analysis of environmental processes, development of modern technologies focused on protection and rational use of natural resources. The graduates are ready to work in the areas related to land resources assessment and protection; analysis, forecast and management of environmental processes in the biosphere; and development of modern technologies focused on conservation and rational use of natural resources.

Educational profiles within Soil Science program:

·       Soil Physics, Melioration and Erosion

·       Soil Chemistry

·       Soil Biology

·       Land Resources and Soil Functioning

·       Agrochemistry and Agroecology

Undergraduate program in Environmental Science and Natural Resources Management (BSc)

The Bachelor program in "Environmental Science and Natural Resources Management" is implemented by the Faculty of Soil Science and aims to develop students' ability to navigate freely in the most urgent areas of theoretical, experimental, and practical issues of environmental science and to apply new innovative technologies to assess and manage environmental processes, scientific reformation, and protection of nature. A graduated bachelor is ready to analyze both the obtained experimental results and the data known from the literature to draw appropriate conclusions. In the course of studying the program, a student learned the system of fundamental scientific concepts, methodology, and methods of contemporary environmental science. Obtained knowledge and skills were solidified through laboratory training and unique field practices. The knowledge gained will enable both to continue successfully further education in the MSc course and to apply the skills obtained in the industrial sector in sectors related to the assessment and protection of land resources, the analysis of environmental processes, and the development of modern technologies focused on the protection and rational use of natural resources.

Educational profiles within Environmental Science and Natural Resources Management program:

·       Environmental Management and Environmental Security

·       Radioecology

·       Management of Land Resources and Biological Control of Environment


Master program in Soil Science (MSc)

Educational profiles:

·       Soil Physics, Melioration and Erosion

·       Soil Chemistry

·       Soil Biology

·       Land Resources and Soil Functioning

·       Agrochemistry and Agroecology

·       Land Resources (only within MSc program)


Master program in Environmental Science and Natural Resources Management  (MSc)

Educational profiles within:

·       Environmental Management and Environmental Security

·       Radioecology

·       Management of Land Resources and Biological Control of Environment

·       Ecotechnologies (only within MSc program)


Post-graduate programs in Biological Sciences (PhD)

·       Soil Science

·       Ecology

·       Microbiology


Post-graduate programs in Agriculture (PhD)

·       Agrochemistry

·       Agrophysics


Programs duration:

Bachelor: 4 years

Master: 2 years

PhD: 4 years


Tuition fees    (2024/2025 academic year):

Bachelor: 485.900,00 RUR per year

Master: 530.650,00 RUR per year

PhD: 529.000,00 RUR per year

Tuition fees do not include the payment for accommodation, transport charges, and living expenses, any kind of insurance charges, legal costs and other expenses.


Admission to the Soil Science Faculty follows the same general procedure of admission to the Moscow State University: for details please visit http://www.msu.ru/en/admissions/



Address: Soil Science Faculty,  Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory 1-12,  Moscow 119991,  Russia

Website: http://soil.msu.ru/eng/admissions

Main office: Phone/Fax +7 495 939 2947; E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

Deputy Dean on International Cooperation:

Dr OlgaYakimenko; Tel. +7 495 939 2129; WhatsApp: +7 906 7343837; E-mail:  Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

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