The department of Agricultural Informatics is unique in Russian universities.

Mission: to collect, generalize, systematize, and process information to support optimal decision-making in the development of agricultural production and the most complete use of soil and land resources in agriculture, the formation of food systems, and the implementation of the country's Sustainable Development Goals.


Prof. D. Khomiakov at the "Round table": "On measures to ensure the fertility of agricultural land" (Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 27.02.2020)


Prof. D. Khomiakov and Prof. G. Gogmachadze the editor-in-chief of the scientific and production electronic journal "Agroecoinfoat a workshop on the use of digital solutions in the agro-industrial complex (Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation).


Prof. D. Khomiakov and post-graduate student of the Department V. Sokolov at the virtual seminar on the project KS1798 "Environmentally friendly smart organic agriculture" EFSOA of the Cross-border Cooperation Program Russia-South-Eastern Finland (10.06.2020).



N.P. Kirillova (PhD, associate professor) heads two directions at the department: digital soil mapping (DSM) and digital morphometry.

The DSM is based on unique data: a  digital terrain model for the territory of 340 ha and a  database with descriptions of more than 1,000 soil profiles, including photographs, and 5,000 horizons. This made it possible to create large-scale soil maps for different taxa (subtype, parent materials). The database is extremely convenient for studying various methods of digital mapping and building maps according to various classifications, including  solving the problem of finding correlations between them.

Digital morphometry is an international collaboration project with scientists from the UK (D.B. Kemp, University of Aberdeen), USA (prof. A.E. Hartemink with colleagues, University of Wisconsin), and Japan (N. Moritsuka, Kyoto University). The objective of the project is to develop and apply methods for analyzing soil color using both spectrophotometers and photocolorimeters, as well as digital devices: flatbed scanners, smartphones, and digital cameras. One of the promising tasks of the project is the transition from 2D to a three-dimensional model of the distribution of horizons in the soil.


Head of the Department prof., Dr.  Dmitry M. Khomiakov  E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

Scientific Secretary, associate professor, PhD, Nataliya P. Kirillova E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.



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