Уважаемые коллеги!

Приглашаем студентов, аспирантов и сотрудников биологических специальностей, желающих научиться писать научные статьи на английском языке, на уникальный спецкурс "Academic writing".

Преподаватель: Анастасия ШАРАПКОВА (филфак МГУ)

Запись на спецкурс - по электронной почте: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.

В программе весеннего семестра:
1. Academic English and Academic Writing: what do we mean by these terms?
2. The structure of a paper and linguistic peculiarities of each part: an overview.
- Proper style and its place in the overall picture of getting published.
- Drafting your paper: when to start writing?
- Typical problems and errors of early career writers and the ways to overcome them.
- Writing and science: history and development.
3. A clause structure: what makes a sentence really good.
- The notion of a sentence within a text: the first sentence, the thesis statement and the concluding one.
- How to write in a good style, how to shorten the sentences and to coordinate you ideas properly.
- How to vary the sentence length and type to make your writing more attractive and less monotonous. Parallelism and its function in scientific writing.
- How to use linking words properly.
4. How to punctuate your piece properly: rules and tips.
5. How to avoid monotony in lexis: synonyms, collocations and useful expressions.
6. How to write a good introduction.
7. Editing your own paper and peer-editing.

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